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Refer a client in Surrey
In Surrey, Matrix provides:
Non-Instructed Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
Non-Instructed Care Act Advocacy
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
Relevant Persons Representatives (DoLS)
Non-instructional advocacy is for clients who are - for a range of reasons - unable to instruct an advocate themselves, but are still entitled to have their views represented in decisions about their care and access to services. If professionals involved in these processes think the client lacks capacity to make decisions, they can refer to the non-instructed service.
To make a referral to the non-instructed services in Surrey, use the forms below.
You can email a question about referrals to
Please note it is the responsibility of the referrer under GDPR legislation to ensure personal information is kept and transmitted securely. Matrix uses Egress but other secure servers are also available.
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